About the NCTI

Photo Credit: Barrett Pantton Photography

About the NCTI

Originally inspired by the Virginia Team Invitational, the North Carolina Team Invitational is a team based, match play, disc golf competition. Teams compete against each other in a series of matches to earn points and make the playoffs.

The winner has their team forever imortalized on the NCTI trophy, this trophy is passed from winner to winner each year.

Tournament Director and Mastermind

Chris ‘Stick’ MacLeod

I wanted to create a team matchplay event.  I felt that North Carolina would
benefit from having a first class event much like VTI.  Cutt was gracious
enough to share his course and share my vision.  Together I think we've made
something that North Carolina Disc golf can be proud of.

Technical Assistance

  • Mike Norris

Trophy Design and Construction

Logos and Photography

Logo by Kris Hensler
Logo by Kris Hensler
© Photography by Barrett Pantton

The Farm Grounds Crew

  • ChiTown Paul (Also course maps and scorecards)
  • Calamari Jones
  • Rick Black

Very Special Thanks

Cutt & Staci
Cutt & Staci

To Cutt, and Farm lady for opening thier home, their land and making the NCTI possible.

Farm Charity

A portion of all NCTI entries to go support not only the course but also the offical Farm Charities