Photo Credit: Barrett Pantton Photography
The News
2020 NCTI Postponed 2020 NCTI is postponed
NCTI 2020 Is Upon Us 2020 NCTI is Upon us!
Crowning a New Champion Wow! What a weekend and what an fantasic 2019 NCTI. There was high drama in the late stages of this years event... 2019 Standings Day 1 Standings after Day 1
2019 Division Assignments 2019 Divisons
2019 Updates 2019 NCTI is Almost Here!
2018 Wrapup 2018 Wrapup
Divisions Are Set NCTI Group Divisions
NCTI Course Rules General OB
NCTI Course Layout Here are the holes teams will be playing for this years NCTI.
Pre-NCTI Putting Tournament Join Cutt and the NCTI crew for a putting tournament Friday the 23rd down by the house!
2018 Teams Your 2018 NCTI Teams are:
NCTI Workday Cutt is having a workday February 23 / 24 to help get ready for NCTI.
2018 NCTI Is a Go! 1st round of captains have been contacted and we’re waiting on confirmations.
Ncti-2017 Unity Farm will defend their title May 20-21, 2017. Mark your calendar!
2016 Wrap Up The 2016 North Carolina Team Invitational is in the books. Despite bleak looking weather conditions forcasted during the week, the luck and magic of the farm held out and we were lucky to have very pleasant conditions and very little rain. Quite a bit of rain at night meant the course was fairly soggy but no rain during the matches kept everything on schedule.
2016 NCTI The 2016 NCTI will be May 21-22, 2016.
2015 NCTI Wrapup The 2015 North Carolina Team Invitation is in the books. Despite some very wet weather on Saturday 11 Teams slugged it out for a chance to play for the Jug. After the conclusion of group play the semi-finals were set.
NCTI Workdays Tentative workdays for NCTI this year have been scheduled.
2015 NCTI Many of you will have heard the rumblings, well the dates are no longer tentative.
New website Hey we have a website. I’m always getting a ton of questions about NCTI, the format how the teams are made up. So here we are. This will be authoritative and only trumped by information sent directly to the Captains.